

雪的大学 was founded in 1888 as the Sanpete Stake Academy by members of The Church 耶稣基督后期圣徒. 1900年更名为雪学院 of Lorenzo Snow, president of The Church 耶稣基督后期圣徒, and his cousin Erastus, who was instrumental in settling the Sanpete Valley.

The institution went through three more name changes in a seven-year period. In 1917, 书院时代结束,学校更名为雪师范学院. 1922年,官员们 renamed the school Snow Junior College only to change it one year later to 雪的大学. In 1931, The Church 耶稣基督后期圣徒 divested itself of 雪的大学 它成为了一个国家支持的机构.

Over the years, 雪的大学 had been the educational, artistic, musical and sports 犹他州中部中心. 被斯诺的高学术水平和奉献精神所鼓舞 to the pursuit of knowledge, thousands of graduates have gone on to earn higher degrees 在全国的学院和大学里. 成千上万的人已经毕业 from Snow fully prepared to find employment in a wide variety of fields.


• Main campus is located in Ephraim, 犹他州 – 120 miles south of Salt Lake City
• There are two campuses – one in Ephraim and another in Richfield, 犹他州
• 雪的大学 serves the Six-County area in 犹他州 including: Juab, Millard, Piute, 桑皮特,塞维尔和韦恩县. 然而,来自瓦萨奇前线和各地的学生 犹他州参加并欢迎PG电子官方免费下载


      • Ephraim campus comprises 26 buildings – 14 academic, on 82 acres
      • Found on Ephraim campus – Eccles Center for the Performing Arts (89,000 sq. 英国《PG电子游戏》包括 a concert hall and theatre), Activity Center (athletic activities, including swimming, for campus and community), art gallery located in the Humanities Building and Noyes 建筑(校园最古老的建筑于1999年修复).
      •位于里奇菲尔德校区-塞维尔谷中心(139,000平方英尺). ft. 包括室内 arena, theatre and classrooms) and Administration Building – both facilities are used 广泛用于会议
      • There are six deans over six divisions and 35 departments at 雪的大学 including: 业务 & 技术、美术、人文、自然科学 & 数学、社会 & 行为科学与职业技术教育




Located in Ephraim in the beautiful mountain-rimmed Sanpete valleys of central 犹他州 just south of Provo, 雪的大学 has been the right place for many students since 它于1888年由摩门教先驱创立. 每年有超过5000名学生在斯诺大学学习 College with aims to transfer to four-year institutions or enter the workforce after earning a Bachelor of Music degree, an Associate degree, or one of the many certificates 学院提供.

Because of the small size of Snow’s student body, students receive more personal attention 以及教授和顾问的专业帮助. 结果是学生们都下雪了 recruited and succeed better at 犹他州’s 4-year institutions more than any other junior 州立大学.

The mission of 雪的大学 – to educate students, to inspire them to love learning and to lead them to serve, cannot be accomplished without an outstanding faculty. Snow professors are unencumbered by research unlike their counterparts at 4-year institutions. This allows Snow faculty to focus on teaching and ensuring that students acquire the knowledge and skills they’ll need academically and professionally.

Snow has ample areas of study for students – from Accounting to Zoology, and has developed a reputation as “state of the art” from university colleagues in such areas as science, 医学预科和音乐.

Snow’s science department has earned a reputation for excellence nationwide. 例如, over the past seven years 38 Snow students have taken the Pharmacy College Admissions 测试. Twenty-five of them scored in the 95th percentile or higher (seven scored 99%). 其中31人被药学院录取.

Snow is one of only 23 2-year colleges accredited as members of the National Association of Schools of Music in the United States and the only 2-year school accredited in 犹他州. This means that Snow’s Horne School of Music meets the same national standards as the first two years of an accredited 4-year college and university.
Snow’s Horne School of Music features 12 student-performing groups – five choirs, 三个乐队和两个爵士乐团.

In 2005, the National Association of Schools of Theatre awarded Snow’s theatre arts 部门全面认证和会员资格. NAST拥有大约143家认证机构 institutional members and establishes national standards for undergraduate, graduate 学位和其他证书. PG电子官方免费下载加入了杨百翰大学 only other NAST-accredited institution in 犹他州 and is one of only four junior colleges 获得NAST认证. 斯诺的戏剧艺术项目每年制作四部戏剧.

Ninety percent of Snow students live in residence halls or off-campus apartments. Fortunately, Snow offers many opportunities for students seeking leadership, academic, 运动、音乐或简单的社交体验. 有超过43个学生组织, 18个学术俱乐部和12个表演团体. 雪还提供15项校内运动 to choose from and recreational facilities for activities such as swimming, tennis, 壁球、舞蹈、保龄球和举重. 几乎所有的雪学生都参加了 in at least one activity ranging from student government to intramural sports to the 航海无线电俱乐部.

Snow provides varsity athletics in football, men’s and women’s basketball, women’s 排球和女子垒球. 1985年,斯诺的足球队赢得了全国冠军 从那以后,他赢得了几场碗赛. 今年,足球队进入了赛季 在杰出大专足球投票中排名第八. 男式和女式 basketball teams have combined for several league championships. 2003-04赛季,男子 basketball team tied for the Scenic West Athletic Conference regular season title.

An intimate learning environment with excellent instruction, programs, student life, and facilities is offered at the most affordable price in the state of 犹他州. 比较 tuition, fees and living expenses with other schools and you’ll find Snow to be the 最具教育价值的地方. 为了进一步降低教育成本,斯诺提出 奖学金、经济援助和校园就业. 有关成本的更多信息 奖学金请致电1-800-848-3399或访问 www.雪.edu.


雪的大学 invites students to come and be a part of the “finest two-year transfer 国家机构.”